emon's Website

H1yA!! w3lc0me t0 th1s c0rn3r 0f th3 w3B!! th!s iS a s1llY l1'l w3bs!ite f0r m3 aNd y0u 2 3xpl0r3! 3nj0y y0uR stAy!!!

sTuFF 1 L!k3!! art stuff weirdcore ????????????????? https://sandboxels.r74n.com>

It is a bright day. Or night. Eminyama would'nt know. Eminyama only hears the sounds of screaming as she falls down the building. Are they cheers or screams? Eminyama wonders as she waits for impact


When Eminyama wakes, she sees a strange place she is in. There is strange colurful wallpaper and furniture. When she gets up, she sees a strange sign on a table that reads;"LOBBY." "huh" she wonders. Just then, a figure walks up to her and says; "Welcome to the [?????] hotel" "whats that?" Eminyama wonders. She looks around and sees that she is in a strangely furnished hotel lobby. "A place to stay for a uncalculated amount of time!" The strange person shakes her hand very fast and enthusiastically. "I'm Selena!! Your room is on the 3rd floor, number 832836!" "wow this must be a big hotel!" Eminyama says. "yeah its infinite!!" Selena says. Selena hands her a card with the room floor and number. "SEEEYAAA!!!" and she sprints off. Eminyama is confused, but decides to go up to her room. " At least I have a place to stay in" she thinks. After going up a dizzying swirly staircase, she opens up her room and sees a bed overflowing with pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals. The rest of the room is fashioned in this way, with dark purple wallpaper with glowing starts and planets. There is a mini kitchen and bathroom, with a box of toys and things. The shelves seem to have that seemed familiar, along with a phone with a note attached to it that said; "use thsi to call or text anyone in the hotel! Does basically anything a phone can do." There is also a TV and a drawing room, reading room, and "cozy corner". "This is pretty big for a hotel room, it seemed pretty tiny on the outside.", Eminyama thinks. But she was pretty drowsy when she camne in and even more tired from all those stairs, so she dropped on the bed and fell soundly asleep.

how was that

About me!

I am the creator of this website, known as "nightmarrionette girl" or "comix girl". I have lots of friends who's names I choose not to say. I love art and comics and writing stories, plus weirdcore and coding n stuff like that. I was bored on a Sunday so I decided to create this website where I could draw,write stories, do weirdcore, do comics, and code all at the same time! Thanks so much for visiting this lil internet corner! And remember, updates will come almost every day! Stay tuned! Finally, below this paragraph is the next chapter of our story. Hope yall like it!!!!!!

When Eminyama woke up, she was greeted by a boy wearing a apron covered in stains of flour and..purple pizza sauce?? "Sup!! I'm Flumpy, the owner of FFPP!" Eminyama was suprised at this sudden arrival. "what's FFPP??" Eminyama asked. "Oh! Right! FFPP stands for 'Forever Flumpy's Pizza Palace. I own the place and make pizzas!" Eminyama asked, "What's that purple stain on your apron?" "Oh thats pizza sauce!" "Whaaaaaaaat???" Eminyama thought, but decided to keep it to herself. "..Interesting..!" she said. The guy left. Eminyama sat up and decided to meet the other patrons at the strange hotel. She walked until she saw a room that had a door dripping.. meat juice? She walked inside and saw a strange black cat humanoid. "Hello!" the strange cat said. "I'm Sarah!"

hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter! Follow for more!!!